Monday, March 28, 2011

A COLD & Lovely Day

The Eco-Museum in Montreal this week.   Ffffffffffreezing!    For those not in the know, it's a collection of animals native to Quebec, from the often seen to the hardly ever seen.    It's a wonderfully quiet place to visit and held in great affection by those who have small children.  In fact watching the antics of the 2 yr olds is quite as interesting as the animals.

The otter display is outdoors - you can see the top half of the window is iced up.   Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saying Goodbye!

Taken at 9 am today - that long shadow is from my mother's apartment building.  It's 27 stories, her apartment is on the 22nd.

My mother is now in a superb nursing care residence (REALLY super!) where she is relishing her new room full of old things and a different (lower) view!   It's me that's in her 'old' apartment, packing up and closing down and saying goodbye to this view which will be very, very hard to lose.    Another view below.....

Puts things in context: the edge of her balcony with squirrels running thru crisp snow.

Below, looking to the right of the above...

St Joseph's Oratory with the sun coming in sharply from the right.  Very hazy.  I love the pointy evergreens!

For over a month now, not a pastel or pencil to paper.   I think it won't be too much longer.