"Souq, Muscat ca. 1960" pastel 8" x 10"
My father took the photo, I sketched it today. Always been fascinated by it - so narrative: in the dark centre, two men looking at my father and grinning; the boy leaning against the wall with the serenest of smiles; and the orange turbanned men who are, I'm sure, the boy's uncles. Anyway they're clearly enjoying a very amusing conversation. (And if you can't see that from above, look at photo below)
Rifles were an essential prop for the young bloods. And the reason I suspect boy is nephew of orange turbans is that he's bullets in his belt. The boy's wand suggests he had a camel, or a donkey or some goats around the corner. I say camel, the BMW of Oman at that time.
I've loved this photo for 52 years and always wanted to paint or sketch it. It's so
Rembrandt! I did it way too small thus wickedly diff to capture facial expressions, or
any detail come to that.
What pleased me most? Hard to say. #1-I DID IT! #2-Perhaps the boy's feet.
The Photo - a broader scene, I tightened it up in mine.