Monday, October 29, 2012

"Kitten" Griffin

Pen & Wash    Bessie, GRIFFIN, Tarka, Melvin at 7 weeks   8" x 12"

(Photo & Kits:   France Bauduin)

Above is the main man (Griff) as a kitten, mixed up with his fellow litter mates in June 2012.  It was a challenge to see if I could do a clowder of kittens.   Not perfect but it captures the essence.

Colours?   Blacks ARE very blue, and photo exaggerates same.
Actual kit colours:  Bessie, black;  Griffin, gold tabby;  Tarka, dark grey tabby;  Melvin, black and white.

It amused me that in both litters there's only one girl, she's black, and both girls have similar names:  Bessie above and Bella from the current litter - names that were chosen by their new homes.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bella & Leo

Bella, all black, and Leo, a silver tabby      Pen & Wash    9" x 12"

(Thank you France for original photo!)

Portraits of two of the kits in post below, snuggling with Griff.

Potentially tres cute but wash didn't work.  My fault since not done on true w'color paper.   It looked cool before I added the color.   I did a bit too much detail on Leo, which you can't see now.   In reality I prefer pen to compliment outline - not outline every detail.    Hey, more lessons learned.    It can all be done again.

So that's now TWO in the 'waiting for a do-over' queue!


Big Bro Griff - a work in progress

Pen & Watercolor   9" x 12" - 1st sketch

Pen & Colour Pencil    9" x 12" - 2nd sketch

Big Bro Griff with his siblings, Merlin, Bella, Leo and Nevil
(thanks to France Bauduin for the original photo and many others)

Griffin is 6 months, his siblings just 4 weeks.   Yes, they do share the same Mum and Dad.   Since the kits' birth, Griffin has been fascinated and mother Laila has always allowed him to come close and be a part of their growing up.   Now they're in the playful stage and the kits adore their gentle giant of a bro - obviously the feeling is mutual.   The kits all have homes waiting (im)patiently for them...and dear Griff will sorely miss them when they leave.

As for the sketches, easy to see neither is complete.  However they give a sense, I hope, of Griff's obvious contentment with the kittens.

N.B.  France & I became email "friends" a year go, and met this summer in Montreal while she was on vacation and visiting family.  She is an amazing artist specialising in cats plus incredibly generous with news and photos of the kittens and her permanent residents - being Griff, Laila, Spookie, Uni and Apollo - not forgetting Mark, her husband!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

By my Grandfather....

Pen & Ink   by  George Baldwyn Read 1937

As per title - and signature - this IS by my grandfather.   I dragged it out of a cupboard today to re-mat and suddenly wondered, "Is this why I'm doing pen and wash drawings?!"   If so, thank you!

If he was this good, he must have done others.  Sadly this is the only one I know of.   Anyway, now re-matted and will be up on my wall this week.


PS The subject is a Dragoon from 1704, what he worked from is also unknown.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Spring is sprung, de grass is riz
I wonder where dem boidies is?
De little boids is on der wing...aint'd dat absoid
Der little wings is on de boid!
                                                                     (Aseasonal and with apologies)

Actually hanging out around "de boid bath" again.   I like upper right boid, it's head tipped back and beak open as it drinks...not chirruping.   Also slightly quizzical pose of bottom bird.

Ciao n Enjoy

Sunday, October 7, 2012

For the birds...

Two guests at the birdbath
Coming in to land
All Together
There were actually a lot more but I haven't got around to doing
ALL of them on the same page - at the peak around eight birds.

Pen and Watercolor Wash

To enlarge artwork, CLICK on the picture

Birds enjoying a birdbath this past HOT summer.   Relief for them, fun to watch in a super secret garden...and now fun to work from.   Yes, the last one is a right mess - still the birds are cute...and the proportions of sparrow landing and starling are more in sync.

Soon again I hope.
