Monday, October 29, 2012

"Kitten" Griffin

Pen & Wash    Bessie, GRIFFIN, Tarka, Melvin at 7 weeks   8" x 12"

(Photo & Kits:   France Bauduin)

Above is the main man (Griff) as a kitten, mixed up with his fellow litter mates in June 2012.  It was a challenge to see if I could do a clowder of kittens.   Not perfect but it captures the essence.

Colours?   Blacks ARE very blue, and photo exaggerates same.
Actual kit colours:  Bessie, black;  Griffin, gold tabby;  Tarka, dark grey tabby;  Melvin, black and white.

It amused me that in both litters there's only one girl, she's black, and both girls have similar names:  Bessie above and Bella from the current litter - names that were chosen by their new homes.



Grammy said...

Love these kitties, Liz.

liz read said...

Thanks, Grammy!