Monday, April 23, 2012

Jess and Karina

 Jessie & Karina         pastel              16" x 18"

This week I learned that dear much loved Karina had crossed the rainbow bridge.   Half this portrait - Jessie only - was posted on January 18, 2011;  Karina's space was just a faint sketch and a note "coming soon".  

My life took some abrupt turns and the portrait slid into a portfolio and waited.  Last night when I heard the news, I took it out - and this morning Karina joined Jess.   So now they're finally together, if only on paper.  Both are Siberian Huskies, Jess with a red coat and Karina a grey.

Below is the photo, their two heads glued together.   I hope the above does them justice.   Laurie, their "parent", lives in California - the original should arrive there sometime soon.   I hope it gives her good memories of her best beloved Karina, and the bond between her and Jess.



Grammy said...

You've captured them very well Liz, especially Jess's stunning blue eyes.

Anonymous said...

Stunning and beautiful, thank you for this beautiful portrait that I will cherish for all of my days and this fine tribute to my girl, Karina--so blessed to have you as my friend Liz!

Anonymous said...

That's really wonderful -- I can't believe you did this for Laurie! Thank you so much.
~ Laurie's sister, Diana