Friday, November 12, 2010


Pastel   12"x18"

My Jackie boy.  Miss him.   
So visually simple and yet so utterly "him".
One doesn't need to see his face to know his eyes are almost closed, just a slit of yellow showing, as he falls asleep....

Can you believe, I sat staring at this portrait for two days, wondering how a black blob could be so infuriatingly difficult to get right!

Solution to Seeing Double is at end of the Feline Foolishness page!

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Grammy said...

He's not a black blob. He's graceful and charming.My Jet is just like that too.

liz read said...

OK - so he's a beautiful black blob, a lovable black blob, a gentle black blob and once-upon-a-time my black blob.

sarah said...

yes, very evocative of the gent (never met him but so got the idea) - you've got another rather like that of him 'chillaxing'. haven't you..?

Anonymous said...

What a peaceful pose - and it has the clarity of a photograph and the artistry of a pastel! I love it. I can see why you miss him so.

Judy V.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you miss him so.